Coverpoint Care

Business grade IT support
Business grade IT support
We understand how important a reliable, friendly and responsive IT Support Service is to any thriving business. So, we developed our Coverpoint Care Plan, with various options to suit most budgets and requirements. Do get in touch for an information pack.
Shopping centre management
Shopping centre management clients
We have worked with Shopping Centre Management teams since day one, and currently provide IT Services to over 30 centres. Covering the length and breadth of the UK, you could say we are the Shopping Centre IT Specialists! If you are a Centre Manager looking for a new IT provider, please do contact us, and we will put you in touch with one of your peers for a client reference.
Providing IT expertise for over 25 years

Est. 1994
Est. 1994
Has it really been that long? A few more grey hairs now, but we continue to evolve with technology, and only recommend solutions that we would be happy to use ourselves. We are immensely proud that most of our original clients are still with us today!
Keep the bugs at bay

Antivirus & content filtering
Antivirus & content filtering
We are an avast business reseller because we love Cloud Care! Not only does it offer great protection, it enables us to proactively manage. The first a client knows of a problem, is when they receive a phone call from us asking what they have just done!
Paying too much for toner?

Printer supplies
Printer supplies
It is something that offices use every day, but could you be buying cheaper than your stationery supplier? We buy direct from distributors, so may save you money.
Head for the clouds

Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft Office 365
If you are still running an in-house email server, then you need to talk to us. Moving your email to Microsoft Office 365 will be the best decision you will make this year! Once you have taken that all important first step, we can then look at your other business practices, to help achieve even more value from the Cloud.
Disaster recovery compliant?

Online backup & retention
Online backup & retention
If the unthinkable was to happen, could your business survive? Are you 100% sure your onsite backup is really working? By using Cloud backup, you can rest assured what is important to your business, is safe. Does your industry require you to keep backups for an extended period? No problem, with backup retention!
Property finance and investment
Property finance and investment clients
We work directly with Property Investors, and our clients include: Munroe K, Mayfair Capital Investment, Stevens Properties, Moorgarth, and British Land.
Need sound advice?

IT consultancy
IT consultancy
Our consultants have been with us for many years, and can demonstrate unrivalled knowledge and experience. This can really add value to your business, and not just on a technical level! Working with so many different businesses gives great insight, and helps us to develop solutions that will work for you.
Be safe not sorry

Security audits & best practice
Security audits & best practice
Do you need to take your network security to the next level? Not a day goes by without a story in the press about a high-profile hack. Small business owners also need to review their own security practices, and your clients might even be insisting on it! Do get in touch to discuss further.
All your website needs

Web hosting, domains & SSL
Web hosting, domains & SSL
Your domain name and website are very important to us, so we searched far and wide for a UK Based Internet Service Provider to partner with. We can provide the full range of Internet services, and a hassle-free single point of contact.
Asset management
Asset management clients
We also work with Asset Management teams, and our clients include: Munroe K Asset Management, Broadgate Estates, Rowan Asset Management, Tansor Real Estates, Montagu Evans, Workman, Savills and PM+U.
Tried & tested

End to end solutions
End to end solutions
Over the years, we have worked with more IT suppliers than we care to remember, and have kept all the good ones! These close relationships enable us to provide a complete service to our clients, whilst still retaining the quality that is important to us.
Arts and culture
Arts and culture clients
A very different market sector for us, but came about by helping one of our partners! We absolutely love working in Arts and culture, and through referral this has grown to the following clients: Halfmoon Young People's Theatre, Rich Mix, Sound Connections and Orchestras for All.